Dermotique Services
Tattoo removal with the Revlite SI Laser has transformed from a high-risk, low-success gamble to a sophisticated procedure with improved outcomes.
Tattoos, intended to be permanent, can now be effectively reversed thanks to advancements in technology. The Q-Switched Nd: YAG lasers, a groundbreaking development, penetrate the skin and specifically target tattoo pigments with distinct wavelengths, leading to the gradual fading of the tattoo across several treatment sessions.
As the light energy gently vibrates and shatters the tattoo ink into easily eliminated micro-particles, the short pulses feel similar to snaps of small rubber bands, followed by a warm sensation. Temporary whitening (frosting of the skin) will follow the first treatment; over time, the tattoos particles will fade through the lymphatic system and the skin will return to its natural colour. Dark blue, black and red inks offer the highest degree of success, followed by orange and purple which my require additional treatments for significant fading.
While most lasers offer at least two wavelengths to address dark blue, black, and red inks, the RevLite stands out with four wavelengths, capable of targeting a broad spectrum of colors including blue, black, red, orange, and purple.
Simply contact our team to chat more about the right service for you.